Useful Links
AllerGuard – a company selling top-quality products for all types of bedding, to reduce the presence of dust mites at home.
Christine Bailey – An experienced Nutritional Therapist and an award-winning chef, recently associated with our clinics. Christine can offer advice on heathy, delicious recipes and special diets effectively. She can be contacted by email, telephone or Skype.
Effect Doctors is a doctor-led service based in London, delivering intravenous nutrition and/or medications at home or at designated centres as far as the Midlands and The Cotswolds; this a useful option for people whose serious condition makes it difficult for them to travel and allows us to implement and monitor the treatment(s) in the comfort of one’s home or in an accessible facility.
Get FITT – A company specialising in far infrared saunas, offering customised service, renting out or selling affordable infrared saunas and supporting people with chronic conditions (e.g. fatigue syndromes, chemical sensitivities and when detoxification and tissue oxygenation can help a great deal). Special discounts are available to our clients.
Other Links
Silicawater – In today's lucrative market of bottled water, this option stands out for a number of reasons: a) volcanic water is probably a very pure and mineral rich option; b) according to some authors (e.g. Professor Chris Exley), silica (the brand name “Acilis" is silica spelled backwards) is Nature’s own solution to aluminium – by binding it, aluminium is “neutralised”; c) aluminium has been implicated in some common disorders associated with neuro-inflammation e.g. autism, Alzheimer’s, MS; d) it is one of very few companies, claiming that their plastic bottles are devoid of nano-plastic particles (although I am yet to check the validity of this statement); e) it is marginally more costly than similar options available in supermarkets. (Disclaimer: I have no vested interests in this company, other than my clients’ welfare; this piece of information does not in any way constitute medical advice.)
Action Against Allergy – A charity offering helpful information on how best to deal with allergies and intolerances.
Allergy UK – A charity offering online support for those suffering from classic allergies, food intolerances and chemical sensitivities. Occasional surveys on epidemiology and prevalence of allergies in Britain.
American Academy of Environmental Medicine – The American Society of Physicians specialising in allergies, nutrition and toxicology, a sister organisation to the BSEM.
Bad Bugs – An Australian informative website of individual experiences of the two most commonly undiagnosed parasites Dientamoeba Fragilis and Blastocystis Hominis, offering support to those affected by parasites. It is affiliated with Dr Tom Borody's Centre of Digestive Diseases (CDD) in Sydney.
BBC – Regular updates about environmental issues and health, including dietary and pollutants.
British Society of Ecological Medicine – A society of medically qualified doctors with expertise in diagnosing and treating allergies and many common medical problems caused by agents such as foods, chemicals or infections, using methods not undermining a person's chemistry or immunity. It runs a foundation course for health professionals leading to a structured modular post-graduate course.
Children’s Health Defense – a US charity whose name is self-explanatory: to be the bastion of protecting American children against all types of threats and raising concerns about such threats. Associated with Robert Kennedy Jr, who has been campaigning against corruption in industries and government.
Dr Rebecca: The LifeJoy Coach – During my professional career, I have met people of many walks of life; some are really gifted people, who, using their own experience in life, overcoming a variety of challenges and emerging stronger, are able to share with others many effective tips and strategies to remain calm and discover wonderfull things we are surrounded by, but need special sensors to ‘see'. Rebecca Williams-Dinsdale (Dr Rebecca) stands out with a warm persona, special communication skills and an inexhaustible enthusiasm about life. She can be helpful via online consultations.
Dr Sarah Myhill – A doctor specialising in treating people suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome, offering online tests for various health problems. She is the author of books on mitochondrial dysfunction and other self-help guides.
Foods Matter – An independent information website with articles and research reports on allergies, intolerances and sensitivity and related health problems; it also offers a host of recipes for people who need to modify their diet, and avoid different foods.
Goodness Direct – A food store catering for those on restricted diets i.e. wheat, dairy or gluten-free and other special diet needs. Click on the link here to go to the Elimination Diet shelf where everything has been specially selected for those on the Diagnostic Eating Plan. Healthy shopping is made easy.
LDN Research Trust – The official website of a charity promoting the use of low-dose naltrexone for some so-called "auto-immune" conditions.
MCS Aware – A charity running a helpful website providing information, support and tips for people suffering from multiple chemical sensitivities (MCS) and electro-hypersensitivity (EHS).
NHS 111 – The NHS main helpline for urgent medical concerns.
Roadback Foundation – a non-profit organisation aiming to publicise information on the management of rheumatoid arthritis and associated auto-immune conditions such as scleroderma, with antibiotics.
Society for Integrative Oncology – A society of doctors and health professionals, offering information and support to people with cancer and treatment options, which can be considered alongside conventional treatments for cancer.
The Healthy House – A company offering a wide range of safer appliances and equipment to help people with allergies, chemical sensitivities (MCS) and electro-hypersensitivity (EHS).
Treating Autism – A charity run by volunteers, offering extensive information on published clinical studies, which explain the underlying biological changes and co-morbidities in ASD and what interventions are helpful.
What Doctors Don’t Tell You (WDDTY) – I monthly paper and online publication, whose aim is to inform the public of natural health solutions for common conditions. Available on subscription.