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Now Also Consulting in Central London & Glasgow
Now Also Consulting in Central London & Glasgow

The potential impacts of micro-and-nano plastics on various organ systems in humans (eBioMedicine)

I have been watching this area of nanoplastics in human health for a while, with a good dose of disbelief: how could the industry (especially food producers) be so oblivious to possible harm caused by the way food products are prepared for sale?

Two points seem reasonable answers:

a) they are not aware of the “precautionary principle” (assess safety before using/selling anything).

b) modern day manufacturing endorses new technologies, produces new services or items to sell and only after years, the risks of human harm are discovered by independent agents (never by the industry itself).

Given this scenario, the ever increasing incidence of chronic, so-called “autoimmune” conditions, comes as no surprise.

Lesson: Eat home made organic food and avoid ALL forms of manufactured foods – your wellness and longevity are at stake!

Read The potential impacts of micro-and-nano plastics on various organ systems in humans