Now Also Consulting in Central London & Glasgow
Now Also Consulting in Central London & Glasgow
Now Also Consulting in Central London & Glasgow
Photo Gallery
Rheumatoid arthritis & scleroderma: The hands of a 68 year old female patient with severe rheumatoid arthritis and scleroderma, associated with severe debility, pre-treatment. Fully investigated by rheumatologist. Note swollen inter-phalangeal joints and skin changes often seen in scleroderma.
Rheumatoid arthritis & scleroderma - pre-treatment: Both are classified as "auto-immune" disorders, which are considered as "chronic"; current management remains palliative.
Rheumatoid arthritis & scleroderma - pre-treatment: Both are classified as "auto-immune" disorders, which are considered as "chronic"; current management remains palliative.
Rheumatoid arthritis & scleroderma - during treatment: Changes in the hands and skin on same person, three months into a course of intravenous infusions of antibiotics. Certain antibiotics may exert an "immune-modulating" effect on chronic inflammation. These therapy options remain "unconventional".
Eczema (atypical): "Eczema" is a broad diagnostic label, which bears no specific clues as to the underlying "causes" of a skin eruption. In this case, the underlying cause was simple non-allergic food reactivities.
Severe skin eruption - shin: Notice the localised inflammation and scarring. In our clinics, we often see these changes as "random" expressions of immune system reactivities to foods, some fungi or airborne allergens.
Infantile (atopic) eczema: This is another immune expression of simple reactivities to some common foods such as milk protein, grains, eggs or soy.
Severe eczema - hands: This form of eczema was associated with severe thinning and cracking of the skin; was caused by common dust mites and other natural air-borne allergens; it responded to the low-dose immunotherapy (in spite of this lady's doubts)
Atypical skin eruption - multiple boils: This and the following photos show the extent of the body affected by the boils. In this case, the dietary recommendations made were not followed - reason uncertain.
Acne-like boils: This and the following photos show the extent of the body affected by the boils. In this case, the dietary recommendations made were not followed - reason uncertain.
Both shins of the same person: Note the skin breaking up and the swelling associated with inflammation - indentation from pressure is a typical sign of it.
Fungal toe-nails: Many older folks develop discoloured and thickened toe-nails, possibly associated with fungal activity in the intestine.
Severe psoriasis - clearing: Another case of an "auto-immune" condition: the underlying cause was non-allergic reactivities to many foods, which required management with desensitisation.
Severe psoriasis - clearing: Another case of an "auto-immune" condition: the underlying cause was non-allergic reactivities to many foods, which required management with desensitisation.
Severe psoriasis - clearing: Another case of an "auto-immune" condition: the underlying cause was non-allergic reactivities to many foods, which required management with desensitisation.
Vitamin A overdose: The typical orange tinge seen in hyper-carotinaemia - here on the right compared with a health hand (left).
Contact eczema: From wearing a silver bracelet (containing nickel). Nickel has been banned from jewellery in the UK but is still present in cheap silver imports from developing countries.
Atypical skin eruption: Irritating skin rash which cleared with anti-fungals combined with avoidance of yeast promoting foods.
Atypical skin rash: Irritating skin rash which cleared with anti-fungals combined with avoidance of yeast promoting foods - in the same person.
An assortment of domestic moulds: Moulds grown on special medium dishes after two days of exposure (MouldCheck). Moulds are a common cause of a range of symptoms in humid climates such as rhinitis, asthma, debility and chemical sensitivity. Common purification measures often fail - methods of desensitisation or detoxification are more effective.
An assortment of moulds: Moulds grown on special medium dishes after two days of exposure (MouldCheck). Moulds are a common cause of a range of symptoms in humid climates such as rhinitis, asthma, debility and chemical sensitivity. Common purification measures often fail - methods of desensitisation or detoxification are more effective.
Eczema both hands: Initially thought to be caused by some contact irritant such as washing up liquid, later abated with a detailed elimination and challenge diet.
Eczema both hands: Initially thought to be caused by some contact irritant such as washing up liquid, later abated with a detailed elimination and challenge diet.
Mouth ulcers: Multiple ulcers in the tongue of a 23 year old woman associated with severe eczema and underlying non-allergic food reactivities.
Swollen tonsils in a young adult female: Acute or chronic tonsillitis is often caused by undiagnosed food reactivities, escalated to infection. Tonsillar tissue like the appendix is vital part of the body immune defences.
Psoriasis: Note scaly patches on torso. Cleared with a carefully modified diet over a period of 6 months.
Psoriasis: Note scaly patches on torso. Cleared with a carefully modified diet over a period of 6 months.