Blood Tests
Immunoglobulin E
Also known as RAST, Immunoglobulin E is useful when immediate allergy to a food or natural inhalant allergen(s) is suspected. The test is available in some NHS hospitals and GP practices but training to interpret these results and offer appropriate advice could improve. Not helpful in identifying other food reactivities or intolerance. Broadly speaking the IgE results correlate to the findings of skin prick tests.
Immunoglobulin G micro-array ELISA
When a person's circumstances are inappropriate for various forms of exclusion diets or the diet is too restricted, though far from perfect this test can be helpful to identify "non-allergic" food reactivities. It has been given an 80% satisfaction rating amongst US physicians and patients (2015)
Assessment of heavy metal or chemical load
Sensitivity to metals and environmental chemicals known as "volatile organic compounds" is usually investigated with blood tests, which scrutinise the effects of various types of hydrocarbons, organophosphates and chlorinated compounds on T-lymphocytes, known to be involved in chemical sensitivity. A large number of toxic substances can be tested this way including mercury, nickel, lead, titanium, silicones, benzene, toluene, lindane and so on.
Other investigations
A host of other tests are also used, including tests to identify nutritional deficiencies such as vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, tests for adrenal or thyroid function and other hormones, tests to assess risk of osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease or cancer, tests for various malfunctions of the cell chemistry, of the immune system and so on.
Contact us if you have further questions or to make an appointment for a consultation.