Now Also Consulting in Central London & Glasgow
Now Also Consulting in Central London & Glasgow
Now Also Consulting in Central London & Glasgow

Oral Allergy Syndrome

Tingling lips and mouth, oral burning, soreness - not a life sentence.

Several food reactions in oral allergy syndrome have strong connections with allergies to common pollens. Tree pollens are often linked with the following foods, they are grouped together if they belong to the same family:

  • Apple, Pear
  • Plum, Peach, Apricot, Cherry
  • Parsley, Carrot, Celery
  • Potato, Tomato, Pepper, Aubergine
  • Some nuts especially Hazelnut
  • Peas, Beans, Peanut
  • Sunflower
  • Kiwi

Grass pollen has links with reactions to peanut, honeydew and cantaloupe melon, watermelon and kiwi. Ragweed pollen, which causes symptoms in late summer, is also associated with melon, watermelon and cucumber.

Occasionally reactions can be severe and require the use of adrenaline. Pesticides and sprays used in the food industry are often suspected but they are not a cause!

Contact us if you have further questions or to make an appointment for a consultation.