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Now Also Consulting in Central London & Glasgow
Now Also Consulting in Central London & Glasgow

Can Diet Help Alzheimer's?

Surprise, surprise! Mediterranean diet may be reducing risk of Alzheimer's.

I must have seen at least 10 studies in the last two years that extol the virtues of eating lots of salads, vegetables, olive oil and fish, excluding most other common foods in order to reduce the risk of dementia or improve mental faculties, when Alzheimer's has been diagnosed.

In a way this is not as extraordinary as it sounds: similar diets have been proven effective in reversing several so-called "auto-immune" diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, Crohn's disease. In clinics like ours, such diets have been used because they are known to help people with cancer, multiple sclerosis, cardio-vascular disease, hypertension, depression - do I need to go on, you get the gist? Doctors using similar diets over the last four decades, have often been called "quacks" by their learned colleagues.

The burning question is, "how much does it take for the medical profession to wake up and start using these methods which are simple, patient-enpowering, reduce doctors' workload and NHS costs?".

The well known 20th Century philosopher Carl Poppa observed: "True ignorance is not the absence of knowledge but the persistent denial of facts"!

Read article on Fortune: Could the Mediterranean Diet Help Fight Dementia? Here's What We